How To Download Android Sdk For Unity

I don’t know why but last weeks I found myself several times in a situation that I had to create Android builds in the Unity3D on new computers or reinstalled ones. Each time I had to execute the whole process of setting up Android SDK and mess with some issues as the installation is not straightforward as it should be. This article is kind of cheatsheet for me but maybe someone else also appreciate it.

  1. And now what we can do is download the actual SDK for Unity. So for this, we wanna go back to the EasyAR website, just click in the top left on the EasyAR icon, go over to download. And we just wanna click on the EasyAR Sense Unity plugin here at the top.
  2. Download and import the latest SDK. For Unity developers (C#). Access the Android SDK from GitHub to integrate Unity Ads into your Android project.
  3. Download Android SDK. The Android SDK provides all the necessary developer tools to build, test, and debug apps for Android in Windows, Mac or Linux.
  4. Default path of SDK folder is: C: Users yourName AppData Local Android android-sdk There is a file named SDK Manager.exe in that address where you can install or update SDK modules. After installing SDK and JDK you need to set their paths in Unity - Edit - Preferences.

So, should I unchek the check near the Android SDK Tools Installed with Unity (recommended), download the Android SDK myself and provide the path to it? Are there any other ways to fix it? Because the Unity simplified the process of the installation of the SDK and it seems very sad that I can not use the Unity Hub for this purpose. Download the package(s) that you want to use, from the latest release. 3.2 Import the package. Open your Unity project, then double-click each of the Unity packages you downloaded. A pop-up window should appear in your Unity project containing a list of files. Select Import, and the SDK will be added to your project. Do this for each package.

First issue is that you can install Android SDK either as a part of Android Studio bundle or using SDK Tools and CLI. Since I don’t like to download and install big softwares just for one scenario, I was glad to found out that there is really quick CLI option to install SDK without much overhead.

Second issue is related to Unity 5.6.2p1 (and earlier versions) failing to build Android SDK Tools 26.0, so for time being only version 25 is supported by Unity.

1. JDK Installation

Download and install Java Development Kit as you can’t do much anything without it. Current version is 1.8.0.

2. Android SDK 25 Tools Installation


In a normal situation we would download SDK Tools from Android Studio page. As we need older version 25 we can download it directly from the google repository.

After download extract the content to your SDK path. In our case we will use c:UsersmarkeyAppDataLocalAndroidSDK25tools. Stop here for a while and take a notice that we created tools directory inside whole SDK directory. That is because tools are just one package of the whole SDK and other packages will be installed on the same level.

3. Installing packages using CLI and SDKManager

As a next step we are going to startup CLI and open our newly created tools directory:

Now try to list all your installed packages using sdkmanager command:

It should output something like that:

How To Download Android Sdk For Unity

As we can see tools are already installed, so we have to install three other packages platform-tools, platforms and build-tools. The CLI command for that is sdkmanager 'package'. If you like to explore sdkmanager more deeply then I recommend you to check out the documentation. For platforms and build-tools we have to specify proper version, so don’t forget to pick the one with version 25:

4. Android paths setup in Unity

Go to the Unity and switch project to Android platform. Then open External Tools (see picture below) and set SDK path to
c:UsersmarkeyAppDataLocalAndroidSDK25tools and also JDK path to where you installed it in the first step. In our case the path is
C:Program FilesJavajdk1.8.0_131.

Now, try to build your project and voilà!

How To Download Android Sdk For Unity Pc

The Android Software Development Kit (SDK) is a crucial part of Android development for beginners to come to grips with. It’s a selection of files bundled together that you will need to begin creating Android apps. It consists of tools like the virtual device manager (emulator) and ADB bridge, as well as a library of additional code for making Java programs work with the Android platform. For more on what you get with the Android SDK, check out the Android SDK tutorial for beginners.

Also read:Java tutorial for beginners

How to install the Android SDK

While this might all sound quite complicated, there is good news: you don’t need to worry about the Android SDK much at all anymore. For the most part it will be handled in the background for you.

The SDK is now included with Android Studio. Android development for beginners is getting easier and easier and this relatively recent change means you now only need to go through a single installation to get your development environment up and running. There’s even an open Java Development Kit (JDK) included, so you no longer need to separately install the latest version separately.


Installing Android Studio is just as simple and we have a guide to help you out here. Again, it is just a matter of downloading the installer and following the steps as prompted. At one point you’ll be given the option to choose a path for the SDK to be installed; make a note of this as it may come in handy later.

Related:Android Game SDK: What it is and how to use it in your apps

Setting up Android development for beginners has become a relatively streamlined process. It involves a few rather large files — so be prepared for that and some lengthy download times.

Updating the SDK

How To Download Android Sdk For Unity

When you install Android Studio, you’ll automatically get the latest version of the Android SDK. The SDK is constantly being updated with new features and security updates. It’s your job to ensure you keep pace with these changes, so you can support the latest versions.

To help you do this, Android Studio provides something called an SDK manager. This is a program specifically for downloading parts of your SDK. Open the manager by heading to Tools > SDK Manager. You’ll be greeted with a list of files under the tabs SDK Platforms and SDK Tools.

The SDK platforms are the Android platforms you can develop for. You need at least one to create a working app. If you choose the latest version, you’ll be able to support all the latest features of Android.

How To Download Android Sdk For Unity Ios

New versions of Android should be backward compatible, so unless you are a pro developer looking to make use of a cutting edge feature, you’re probably fine to ignore this tab once you’ve gone through the initial installation. It will make Android development easier for beginners.

Under the SDK Tools tab, you’ll find a list of the other elements that make up the SDK. You can install these individually. Those that have a blue box with a dash through are ready for updating. The most important things here are the Android SDK Build-Tools, the Android SDK Platform-Tools, and the Android SDK Tools. You may also want the Android Emulator and system images if you plan on running and testing your apps on your PC.

In the meantime you can mostly forget all about the SDK manager if you're a beginner

Android Studio will let you know if any updates are mandatory, so you can mostly forget all about the SDK manager (likewise, Android Studio itself will prompt you when it is ready for an update). Now you know how to start supporting the most recent versions of Android, once you graduate from beginner to status that is.

Using the Android SDK on its own

Download Android Sdk For Unity 2017

You may be wondering whether you can use the Android SDK on its own, or whether you would ever need to.

The one use-case where this is convenient is if you ever find yourself needing to use a different Integrated Development Environment (IDE), such as Unity (instead of Android Studio). Unity is a game engine and “game maker” that can be used to create Android games. You’ll use a completely different interface and even a different programming language (C#), but you’ll still need a copy of the Android SDK for that program to be compiled into an APK ready to run on Android. The same goes for Android development using other tools like Xamarin.

If you want to make it as easy as possible to start Android development as a beginner, I recommend you still install Android Studio along with the SDK as before (you’ll still need the JDK too). When you go through this process, just make a note of the path where the SDK is installed. Yyou will need this to tell other IDEs where the SDK is located on your computer. You’ll find there’s the option to enter the path for the SDK somewhere in the settings (Google is your friend if you’re not sure where that is), now just copy and paste! Installing the Android SDK this way is easier for beginners, and it also means you’ll have Android Studio on hand should you ever want to try traditional Android development.

Also read: Getting to know Android Studio and the files that make up your app

Note that depending on the IDE, you might need to install the Java Development Kit (JDK) separately and provide a path for this too. To install the JDK, just head over to this page at and download the latest version. Once that’s done, click on the .exe file and then follow the steps by clicking Next.

Download Android Sdk For Unity 2019.3

Some IDEs will give you the option to download Android Studio automatically when you go through the set-up process, which is a feature that is new for Unity.

How To Download Android Sdk For Unity Free

Installing all of these extra files will take up a lot of space on your computer. If you’re really keen to keep things to a minimum, you can always download the “command line tools only” option. You’ll find this by scrolling down the page where you found Android Studio and downloading the zip file for your specific operating system. You’ll find instructions on how to use this here and you can grab the command-line tools from here. Theoretically, this could also be useful if you ever want to use a specific tool included in the SDK, such as the ADB bridge.

How To Download Android Sdk For Unity

That’s all there is to downloading and installing the Android SDK! This is one of the first and most important steps when it comes to Android development for beginners, so well done!